Directors Meeting 22 Feb 2006
Present: Gerry Clarke, Edward Kempster, Roy Johnson, Graham Gell, Heather Pollitt
1. Finance
Owners in arrears on maintenance and additional £150. Reminders have been sent to Rossiter, Jordans, Chinani, and Middleton - to no effect.
Increase in maintenance charge agreed. £400 per six months, with bonus payment of £375 for those paying on time. Proposal to be ratified at the AGM.
Problem of outstanding payments to be raised at the AGM.
2. Internal Painting
Work on painting in Block 2 to begin in early March 2006. GG to confirm date with painters.
3. External Painting
Quotes to be obtained for repainting externally - excluding the problem of the roof tops, which will be dealt with later. EK to obtain quotes.
4. Communications
All letters sent in the name of Westleigh Management Company should be copied to all directors and agreed before being sent. Communication now established via email and records kept on the website.
5. Ken Hawker
Complaints had been made that the windows in Apartment 16 had not been replaced and were now unsightly. Ken Hawker has counter complained that window horns have not been fitted. Window horns were not requested by the majority of owners, and Ken Hawker should replace his double-glazed units as soon as possible.
Letter to be sent to Ken Hawker pointing out that his "For Sale" notice could only stay up for six weeks maximum, and should be sited by the gates. If at any future date the apartment is to be sold, the Committee reserves the right to report to the purchaser's solicitor that there is an outstanding debt of £3,500-£5,000 for replacement windows. Copy of letter to this effect to be copied to Alan Ainsworth.
6. Garage Doors
A group of owners wish to go ahead with automation of garage doors. There is a problem with supplying electricity to the block of eight garages, the cost of which is estimated at £700-800. All owners to be notified of an approximate charge of £470-£500. Those who wish to proceed should make this payment in advance of the work.
7. Purchase of Freehold
It was thought that this would be in the region of £450 per apartment. A majority vote of owners in favour is required. This proposal is to be made at the AGM.
8. Tree Pruning
A written report of the condition of the trees within the Westleigh boundary is being sought. The results of this to be presented to the AGM.
9. Refuse bins
One set of bins is to be returned to the Town Hall. The other set is to be sited inside the front gate. HP to write to Town Hall requesting removal of the second set of bins.
10. Date of AGM
Wednesday 5 April 2006 - to be held at Flat 14.
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