Thursday, March 08, 2007

Annual General Meeting — 8 March 2007

Present: Roy Johnson, Heather Pollitt, Edward Kempster, Ingrid Kempster, Victor Powell, Gerry Clarke, Edith Pickles, Vera Sisson.

Apologies: Lavinia Marsden, Colin Rodger, Graham Gell, Reg Marsden, Martin Albu

1. Accounts

These were accepted, with the observation that Reg Marsden and Graham Gell should be removed from the list of Directors. It was also agreed that a copy of the gardening specification should be made generally available.

2. Appointment of Directors

The recent appointment of Gerry Clarke as new treasurer was approved, and the existing directors were re-appointed. These are: Roy Johnson (Chair), Heather Pollitt (Secretary) Gerry Clarke (Treasurer) Edward Kempster (Project Manager). Vera Sisson agreed to be a standby director.

3. Venue for next AGM

It was agreed that the venue for the AGM should rotate. The next meeting in 2008 will be held in Flat 10.

4. Any Other Business

Window Cleaning. The current system of cleaning with long brushes using clear water was deemed unsatisfactory. HP to discuss the matter with the window cleaners.

Lighting. HP to contact GG regarding repair of faulty lights in Block One. RJ to replace lamps in Block Three.

Manhole Cover(s): GC to contact builders regarding replacement of manhole covers in rear car park.

Steps to Block Three: HP and GC to contact builders to obtain quotes for repairs to faulty steps.

Car Park Marking: EK to obtain paint and brushes for do-it-ourselves repainting of car park markings.

Disputes: It was agreed that where disputes occur between individuals at Westleigh, resolution should be sought in the first place between the people concerned. Only if complaints arise from a number of individuals should the directors intervene. However, where resolution of problems and or complaints could not be achieved, the directors were willing to arbitrate.


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